Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Chapter 10.5

Kippie turned off the engine of the police animal van and leant round the back of her chair.
  “OK, you guys,” she said through the black metal grill that separated the front of the van from the rear. “Now, remember: Garth Jones is missing. There is a fair chance, therefore, that anyone you meet around here is not Garth Jones.”
  “So?” asked Cassidy.
  “So, basically, I don’t want you biting the face off of anyone you meet.” She glanced over at the passenger seat. “That includes you, Tommo.”
  “Sure thing,” frowned Tommo.
  “But,” countered Cassidy with a hint of optimism, “anyone we meet might be Garth Jones!”
  “That’s true,” conceded Kippie, nodding. She thought for a moment. “The thing is, though – and believe me, I’m not happy about this either – he probably hasn’t actually done anything wrong. This time. We don’t even have a warrant.”
  “What do we have?” asked Cassidy.
  Kippie smiled at him and popped open the door. “A license to snoop.”
  “I like Snoopy,” said Tommo bashfully, as he unfolded himself onto the gravel drive.
  Kippie crunched round to the back of the van and opened the doors for the dogs. Cassidy jumped out, tail wagging enthusiastically. Butch, on the other hand, stayed in the van, looking as sheepish as a German Shepherd can. (He didn’t have the natural advantage of the goats but his observation skills were good.)
  “You coming then?” asked Kippie.
  “Er… I thought I might just stay here,” he answered. “You know, watch the van, sort of thing. I mean, you don’t really need both of us, do you?”
  “Well, it would be quicker,” she replied with a bemused smile.
  Behind her, Cassidy sniggered.
  “C’mon now,” Kippie pressed. “What’s the problem?”
  “Meow!” said Cassidy, and sniggered again as Butch flinched involuntarily. Kippie cocked her head on one side. “Come now. A big ol’ dog like you can’t be scared of a l’il ol’ pussy cat, can you?”
  “That’s no cat,” muttered Butch grumpily, edging towards the open doors. “That thing’s a monster! A fell beast. An abomination from the depths of hell itself!”
  Kippie smiled. “I didn’t know you had it in you to be so melodramatic! Come on, you big wuss. If Jones is missing then maybe the cat’s gone too.”
  “Yeah”, Cassidy agreed. “Or prowling around in confusion, hungry, angry and looking for fresh meat!”
  Butch whined but jumped down, glancing about furtively.
  “C’mon,” encouraged Cassidy. “Let’s snoop, dog!”

Chapter 10.6 ☛

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