Chicken Licken, Henny Penny and Goosey Loosey were off to skip the country, when they bumped into Turkey Lurkey.
"I say, where are you three hurrying off to?" asked Turkey Lurkey.
"The sky is falling in." Chicken Licken informed him. "And we are off to warn the King."
"But we do not have a king," said Turkey Lurkey, who was something of a pedant. "We have a queen."
"He's received a blow to the head." Henny Penny explained, patting her little friend sympathetically. "The sky isn't really falling in."
"But it is raining tortoise shells." Goosy Loosey told him.
"Damn and blast, not again!" moaned Turkey Lurkey, who was also somewhat insane. "I thought that reptile monsoon season wasn't till June."
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